Saturday, September 8, 2007


acutely longing for one's family or home.


my friend of so much:

i came here to tell you that i know.

i know.

i know the weight of missing someone.

i know the days of hard awakening,
in cold,
as if all sleep had happened with our eyes open in remembrances.

i know it's almost reasonless,
the non-sharing with those that were part of us all our lives,

i know how much one misses,
how hard it is for one to miss,

the eyes

the hands

the smiles

i know the days of wanting a different awakening
from the silence of an empty house,

with no voices or lived memories.

and the truth is it doesn't change,
it stays,
i can tell you because i don't lie to you.

but we can
we can choose
to change in it.

and remain.

where our people have smiles of villages and sea
hands that know ours by heart
eyes where we are who we once were.


no matter how deep, how far, how scared of it all we feel.

because we know
we know
how much
in us.


let us live, friend of mine.
let us use our time in life,
use the mind in being present.
(in) the present.
that has everything in it.
in us.

as it has the past
and smiles
in fear
at the future.


the touch is missing, i know...
the closeness.

the antidote to those moments that de-warn us from strength
and lock us inside, crawled up, missing it all.

it's missing...


so i hold your hand tight.

because i know.

(image: drawing hands, by m. c. escher)

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